Running A Playbook¶

Below are step by step instructions for running an AME Playbook using AME Wizard.

If you use a different system language, now is the time to install it. Unfortunately, due to deep integration with Windows Update in newer Windows versions, new languages cannot be easily installed after amelioration.

Starting AME Wizard¶

Start by downloading the latest version of AME Wizard, along with your AME Playbook of choice (AME 11, AME 10)


At the current moment, Windows Defender has a chance of detecting AME Wizard Beta as malicious. If this happens, see our security exceptions guide.

After that, run AME Wizard Beta.exe, then simply drag and drop your Playbook into the left Playbooks column.


Once loaded, follow all on-screen instructions as needed, and continue by clicking Next.

On the next page, AME Wizard will check your if your system meets the necessary requirements. Follow any on-screen instructions as needed to prepare your system.

Once all requirements have been met, navigate to the next page, and read the license agreement. Select Next > Agree, and you’ll be brought to the final page.


Here you can either select the features of your choosing, or just click Next to continue with the default configuration. You will now be prompted to set some credentials, do not forget these.

Once your credentials are set, the Playbook will begin the amelioration process. Simply wait for it to finish, and you’ll have an ameliorated system after reboot.
